Friday, December 14, 2012

    The moon. It shines brightly, lighting the dark sky with a gentle luminescence. But its light is not its own. The moon is a reflection of the sun, a reflection of a light so bright, we cannot look at it because we might be blinded. We do not now remember that. Its light looks like its own. It glows seemingly independent, after all, how can rock reflect? The moon does not look like a rock, it looks like so much more.
     God’s people are moons, each of us reflect a great light that is not our own, portray a beauty that we do not see. After all, all we see is the rock inside. We do not see the soft gentle glow that we reflect. Our beauty, it comes from a greatness we cannot see directly. For no man can see the face of God. Not directly. Not yet. I do not always see Him in me. Sometimes I feel Him shining on me, but sometimes I do not. 
     I see God around me, I see God in my brothers and sisters.  Often we forget their light is not their own.  We wonder, “how can they love, and I not?” It is a circle of mystery, you wonder about me, and I about you. We forget others are rocks inside, that they too have faults, confusion... questions. We forget that they too hurt and mourn. And yet, even with all their weakness, they shine. Their glow fills the dark sky, the sky darkened by sin… We shine together, not just one, but many moons in the night, a reflection of Yahweh, who is brighter still. 

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